◎ 中文名:上智之堂
◎ 外文名:La Sapienza
◎ 清晰度:1080P
◎ 年代:2014
◎ 产地:法国
◎ 时长:1小时41分钟
◎ 类型:剧情
◎ 评分:6.5/10 from 892人评价
◎ 豆瓣:https://movie.douban.com/subject/25725762
◎ IMDB:https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3182590
◎ 导演/主演:
◎ 简介:The story is one of an architect that has lost his inspiration and goes looking for those motivations that pushed him as a youngster to take up the profession. Inspiring him was the baroque movement and all of its artifices: the Guarini in Turin and the Borromini in Rome. The film’s central story ends up being the love story that develops between architecture, artistic inspirat…



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