◎ 中文名:欧洲最危险的人:奥托·斯科尔兹内
◎ 外文名:El hombre más peligroso de Europa. Otto Skorzeny en España
◎ 清晰度:1080P
◎ 年代:2020
◎ 产地:西班牙
◎ 时长:1小时7分钟
◎ 类型:纪录片
◎ 评分:6.9/10 from 130人评价
◎ 豆瓣:https://movie.douban.com/subject/35606451
◎ IMDB:https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11564588
◎ 导演/主演:
◎ 简介:Austrian Waffen-SS Lieutenant-colonel Otto Skorzeny was Hitler's favorite commando. His participation in daring military actions such as the rescue of Benito Mussolini in the Apennines or covert "Operation Greif" at the Battle of the Bulge, among others, made him famous. In May 1945 he was taken prisoner by the US Army. After 3 years in a POW camp, Skorzeny escaped to a safe ha…(展开全部)Austrian Waffen-SS Lieutenant-colonel Otto Skorzeny was Hitler's favorite commando. His participation in daring military actions such as the rescue of Benito Mussolini in the Apennines or covert "Operation Greif" at the Battle of the Bulge, among others, made him famous. In May 1945 he was taken prisoner by the US Army. After 3 years in a POW camp, Skorzeny escaped to a safe haven in Franco's Spain. What was he up to during the long 25 years he spent in Spain? This documentary has gained access to its very own files "The Skorzeny papers" that picture a determined character who took to the dealings of the Cold War like duck to water: active Nazi ratline mastermind, gun runner, advisor to Egyptian President Nasser, freelance covert operations agent for CIA and Mossad and other western intelligence services. The after WWII, "Cold War", account of the life and deeds of one of the most charismatic and enigmatic characters of the 20th century




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