◎ 中文名:鼬鼠的蛮荒故事
◎ 外文名:El cuento de las comadrejas
◎ 清晰度:1080P / 720P
◎ 年代:2019
◎ 产地:阿根廷
◎ 时长:2小时9分钟
◎ 类型:剧情 / 喜剧
◎ 评分:7.3/10 from 2,728人评价
◎ 豆瓣:https://movie.douban.com/subject/30419895
◎ IMDB:https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8453986
◎ 导演/主演:胡安·何塞·坎帕内利亚 / 格拉谢拉·博尔赫斯 / 奥斯卡·马丁内兹 / 路易斯·布兰多尼 / 卢兹·西普里奥塔 / 克拉拉·拉戈 / Marcos Mundstock
◎ 简介:A group of four old friends conformed by a film director, a film writer, an actress and her husband share a big house in the country. Their coexistence is menaced by a young couple who resourcefully and deceitfully seek to get them to sell the house to develop a real estate project of their own.




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