◎ 中文名:恐怖素材2:录像诅咒
◎ 外文名:The Fear Footage 2: Curse of the Tape
◎ 清晰度:1080P
◎ 年代:2020
◎ 产地:美国
◎ 时长:1小时14分钟
◎ 类型:剧情
◎ 评分:5.4/10 from 217人评价
◎ 豆瓣:https://movie.douban.com/subject/34957916
◎ IMDB:https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11323964
◎ 导演/主演:
◎ 简介:On April 19th, 2019, Deputy Leo Cole's body camera footage from the night he disappeared was leaked. On that footage he watched a mysterious V/H/S tape titled "The Fear Footage". On September 22nd, 2019, a camera was found in Darkbluff, Maryland with footage of two missing men who were searching for that same V/H/S tape. This is that footage.



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