◎ 译  名:善意谎言 / 白色谎言
◎ 片  名:White Lies
◎ 年  代:2024
◎ 产  地:南非
◎ 类  别:剧情 / 惊悚 / 犯罪
◎ 语  言:英语
◎ IMDb评星:★★★★★★★✦☆☆
◎ IMDb评分:7.3/10 from 71 users
◎ IMDb链接:https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26925240/
◎ 豆瓣链接:https://movie.douban.com/subject/36289822/
◎ 导  演:约翰·特伦戈夫 / John Trengove
Christiaan Olwagen Christiaan Olwagen
◎ 演  员:娜塔莉·多默尔 / Natalie Dormer
兰利·柯克伍德 / Langley Kirkwood
摩根·桑托 / Morgan Santo
罗伯特·霍布斯 / Robert Hobbs

◎ 简  介:

White Lies is described as an “urgent exploration of race and privilege, inequality and identity.”
Set in the wealthy neighbourhood of Bishopscourt, Cape Town, the series is described as following investigative journalist Edie Hansen (Dormer) as she gets caught up in the ugly underbelly that lies beneath the picturesque beauty of the city, dragging her back to a turbulent past. Following her estranged brother’s murder in his luxury home, Edie’s world plunges deeper into chaos when her brother’s teenage children become prime suspects for the crime. As Edie investigates, she finds herself at loggerheads with veteran detective Forty Bell (Daniels), and grapples with the crumbling local police force, a corrupt political system, and the secretive world of extreme Cape wealth.



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